For the Simpit construction, the flight stick is normally
flown with your right hand. Therefore throttle and other engine controls
had to be placed at the left hand side. I have build a new throttle unit
that includes the trim wheel as well.

The bar type throttle feels better. There are some switches added that can
be assigned to various functions. The switch on the wooden handle is
assigned to reverse thrust.
The elevator trim wheel also sits at a convenient location, and can be
easily adjusted. Diameter could have been increased for best feel.
Here the view of the inside: One of the metal bars of the throttle handle is
connected to a gear wheel that rotates the throttle potmeter. The other bar
moves in the same way with the wooden handle. It could be used in a future
upgrade when dual throttle is needed.
The elevator trim electronic interfacing is described in Trim wheels

For the throttle and trim wheel unit, I have also added a
mini transducer to have some engine vibration
when touching the throttle or trim.
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